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Coaching for life and business

Sometimes, you need a coach.

Someone who can hold a mirror to you in an honest and authentic way, and listens without judgment.

You're looking for a companion to walk with you (sometimes literally),

to create movement

in personal or professional circumstances.


Ultimately, you'll make more conscious decisions, transforming into a more effective leader of both your personal and professional life - if you still distinguish between the two.


Who is this for?

For Leaders

You're a leader or professional in the corporate world looking to excel and achieve peak performance.

This may stem from a promotion, a transition phase, a desire to communicate more effectively, or to maintain healthy work relationships (starting with a healthy relationship with yourself).

The reasons can vary.

Together, we'll define your coaching needs and get to work!


For Anyone Seeking Growth

You're feeling stuck in your personal life and are ready to examine entrenched patterns and beliefs within the safe confines of a coaching trajectory. We'll delve deep to explore possibilities for living a healthy, balanced life, building and sustaining wholesome relationships, enhancing your energy and assertiveness, and making self-aware choices in a world brimming with options... Together, we'll define your coaching needs.

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No nonsense approach

Through consciousness-raising techniques, experimentation, and creativity, we engage in a high-quality coaching process aimed at sustainable change.


A program lasts up to 12 sessions.

You choose the frequency and pace.

Depending on the coaching needs, a program can be short or long.

Every journey is different. Every question is unique.

Every individual is distinct.

As a coach, I adapt as much as possible to the needs of the coachee.


After an informal intake,

you decide (alone or in consultation with your employer)

whether we embark on a sustainable journey together.


Transition based coaching

  1. Energy Management in Work and Life: For those seeking a boost in energy.

  2. Career Transition: For those contemplating a job or career change and needing guidance to make the right choices.

  3. Leadership Development: For managers and leaders aiming to enhance their leadership skills.

  4. Work-Life Balance: For those struggling to strike a balance between their professional and personal lives.

  5. Personal Growth: For those who wish to better understand themselves, discover their strengths, and overcome limiting beliefs.

  6. Productivity Enhancement: For those looking to improve their efficiency and time management.

  7. Communication Skills: For improving interpersonal and communicative skills in both professional and personal contexts.

  8. Decision Making: For those who require support in making decisions.

  9. Various Coaching Queries: These are defined by you.

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